Achieving True Net Zero

From the First Principles


Sustech has been a proud contributor to implementing the Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019-24.

Sustech was engaged by a gas network operator to offer expert service in selecting materials fit for the distribution of Hydrogen. Sustech’s tasks included …

  • Created a piping spec and made selections for both piping and valves. Throughout the project, Sustech provided technical coordination with the client.

  • Selected materials for Hydrogen distribution.

  • Made selection for piping and valves.

  • Hydrogen Piping spec.

  • Design and specification of hydrogen storage vessel

  • Water supply and discharge.

  • Client technical coordination.

  • Compliance with regulations & standards

New Technology blending with Existing

Introduction of Hydrogen into an ageing network

Sustech has provided a costing estimation on high-level breakdown for Hydrogen introduction into an existing key gas distribution network system. This long-term asset-forecast (CAPEX-OPEX) involved the research into the asset as well as the differing components that would be directly involved in Hydrogen introduction and the potential effects of this. During the project Sustech: 

  • Provided higher level thinking regarding the expected possible outcomes as well as estimations of future possible unknowns. 

  • Provided methods of cost deployment with intention to provide the most efficient and cost-effective long-term outcome for Client. 

  • Demonstrated high understanding of network and network assets when targeting areas of interest for the study.

  • Showed high levels of flexibility and consideration towards the Clients purpose for the estimation and when asked would accommodate changes or updates for this to ensure a timely and satisfying delivery.

  • Assessed present asset life; assessed limits of new technology introduction.

Sustech’s engineers have extensive experience on high-risk projects and have its own high-standards HSE.

Sustech can provide expert service for making hydrogen plants and networks compliant with future possible upcoming acts and regulations similar to:

  • Pipelines and petroleum

  • Geothermal energies

  • Consumers gas

  • Building and safety

  • Work Health and Safety